The summer has come and gone and it’s time to get the kids back to school.

A study conducted by the BCA in 2008 found that 45% of children had already suffered with some kind of back pain by the age of 11. Why? Well the same study also found that 72% of Britain’s kids are carrying around heavy books and sports equipment for most of the day. Plus, the world has changed and therefore, so has the stresses and strains on our children’s bodies.

So the real question is – what can we do to improve our children’s posture and health?

Well – quite a lot actually.

1. Bag
– The best way to carry all those books is in a rucksack, where the straps are adjusted so that the bag is held close to the body and the weight is distributed evenly over both shoulders.
– Keep the weight of the bag as low as possible so only pack necessary items.

2. Exercise
– Encourage your child to get off the couch and exercising. Regular exercise will result in a fitter child which means your child will have less chance of injuries.
– Walk or bike to school if possible.

– Richard Husseiny wrote a great blog on this early in the year. Definitely worth a read

3. Computer/gaming

– Make sure your child is sitting comfortably and their spine is supported.
– Put an alarm on the computer so that they get up every 20 to 30 minutes and just walk around their chair before they sit at the computer again.
– Most importantly – limit the time on the computer.

4. TV

– Limit the time spent watching TV.
5. Diet
– Give them real food, not pre-cook/processed food. Buy it, cook it, and eat it.

If you would like us to check your child’s posture for the start of the school year, you are in luck as Richard Clements, Osteopath and myself, Anne French, Chiropractor, are offering Free Posture Checks for the month of September. Call the clinic to book your child’s now.

Written by Anne French